The organizational culture of our company is based on respect for commitment to work and respect for our business partners and colleagues, but also on fostering and emphasizing individual human values, which together with responsibility of our company creates an organizational climate in which care about the community is both individual and generalpriority.
Helping flood victims
Moj Kiosk Group Business System, whose part is Centrosinergija, actively participated in helping the victims of flood from the first day of the natural disaster that hit our country in May 2014. The fleet of Centrosinergija was ceded for the transport of humanitarian aid, equipment and people throughout the territory of Serbia. In addition, the company donated three million dinars to help those in need.
We donated additional funds to our employees who live in disadvantaged areas and who suffered damage during the floods, helping them overcome this difficult period.
We organized a campaign within the company to collect aid for the disadvantaged. The campaign had an excellent response which included all employees in accordance with their abilities. Assistance included funding, purchase of basic foodstuffs and hygiene products.
Social inclusion of the disabled
As part of social responsibility, Centrosinergija supports employment program for disabled persons. We believe that it is essential that every company should contribute to this category of the population in this way so that this category of population legally takes part in the society. One of the most important segments is certainly facilitating the realization of the right to work and the right to career advancement.
Environmental protection is one of the main postulates of our business. Packaging waste management was conducted in all segments of the flow of goods in Centrosinergija. Adequate separation of packaging waste by types is the preparation phase of the recycling process. By using returnable plastic packaging we eliminate the consumption of cardboard boxes, which highly reduces the amount of the waste we produce in the supply chain.
Eco vehicles
As a distribution company with a large number of vehicles, in order to improve environmental protection in its fleet, we only use vehicles with engines of the new Euro 5 generation, in accordance with European Union requirements for CO2 emission reduction.
By using satellite tracking vehicles and optimizing routes we reduce fuel consumption and emissions of harmful gases, thus contributing to environmental protection.